More videos are coming! But with a twist…

Truth be told friends, I’ve been feeling a little stuck.

I expect this is a feeling many of us can identify with, particularly after the year that was 2020. A lot has had to grind to a halt as of late.

For me, personally, the pandemic has meant taking a break from bike touring — something I had fallen very much in love with by the end of 2019. Making videos of my ride across Europe brought me so much joy and I had hoped to continue sharing further bicycle adventures with you all.

But alas, 2020 had different plans and staying home is a very small price to pay in the grand scheme of it all!

Where I’ve been feeling stuck is in the fact I miss creating videos. Putting content out into the world that I hope is both fun and informative is one of my greatest passions. But considering I’ve been making bicycle travel videos for the last while, and that isn’t something I’m able to do at the moment, I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested in videos from me not on this topic.

But I’m feeling called to share my information and experience on some other subjects. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I love sharing my passion and knowledge on topics such as food, movement and wellness. And I want to begin doing that here more.

And I’m a big believer in listening to our souls and following our intuition — so that’s what I’m going to do! If you originally found me because of my bike touring content — I will bring you more of that as soon as it is safe to do so (I’m hopeful at some point this year!) If topics like nutrition, fitness and well-being interest you – then you’re in luck! Because I’ve got some ideas for videos I can’t wait to share with you.

Learn more about how I came to this decision and what’s to come here and on my YouTube channel in my latest video:

More Videos

Outdoor Winter Exercise Tips
Nutrition Tips for Bike Touring (FREE Guide)
4 Reasons You’re Late Night Eating

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