How I Plan a Bike Tour Route… and Where I’m Going Next!

Photo of an open road and mountains with text that reads: Planning bike tour routes

A while ago I shared how I plan a cycle tour as a whole. But today I wanted to zero in on how I pick and plan a bike bike tour route, specifically.

Because, although a big part of cycle touring is being flexible and ready to change course on a moment’s notice ā€” I find that having a loose sense of my route helps give me the confidence to set out, and to ensure I don’t feel rushed if I only have a set amount of time.

Check out how I planned my upcoming bike tour route in THIS VIDEO (and you’ll also learn where I’m heading next!)

How do I pick and plan a bike tour route?

Step 1: First off, I need to decide where I want to go! To do this I do a bit of visualizing. I think about how I want to feel, what types of sights I want to see, and what sort of roads I want to be on. I also factor in my budget and how much time I have in order to determine the right location. And finally, I factor in visas and border closures. I do a whole lot of Googling to zero in on where the right spot might be for me.

Step 2: Next, I dive into research mode. I check out Facebook groups, Reddit threads, Instagram and Google to see what routes exist that might work. In Facebook and Reddit I use the search function to see if people have asked similar questions, and if not, I ask questions of my own.

Step 3: So much research can be done online but I think it’s important not to forget the resources all around us. That’s why my 3rd step is to simply talk about my adventure! I chat about it with friends, family, the cycling community, and in bike shops. You never know who has a friend of a friend who might have gone to the place you’re going, or seen an Instagram post about a great route. Chatting about what you’re planning can lead to hidden bike routes you may never have known of otherwise!

Curious about how this works in real time? You can see these steps put into action in the above video!

More on planning a bike tour

7 FREE Bike Touring Apps
European Bike Tour Packing List
How to Save Money on a Bike Tour

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