8 Habits to Improve Your Morning Routine (VIDEO)

Want to wake up feeling more positive, focused and energized? Adding certain helpful habits to your morning routine can make a big difference. It sure has for me! That’s why I put together a video on 8 habits that have improved my mornings (and the rest of my day!)

For me, the big game changers have been:

  1. Breathing exercises
  2. Stretching
  3. Getting outside for a walk or run
  4. Stating a meaningful phrase
  5. Journaling
  6. Reading
  7. Hydrating (Turmeric Latte anyone??)
  8. Preparing the night before

I don’t do all of them every day by any means, I use them as needed intuitively. For instance, if I’m feeling really disconnected from my creative thought or I’m struggling with my emotions, I’ll be sure to make time for some journaling in the morning. Or if I need to clear my head, I’ll get out for a walk. It’s all about tuning into your own body and mind and seeing what you need on a daily basis.

I give myself permission to modify my morning routine depending on my life and schedule. So some mornings might involve all of these, while others I might not be able to get to bed until late so it might just be a quick stretch and some water to start the day. That’s okay! A morning routine is for you. So try out some of these habits and see if any of them improve your mornings!

Breakfast recipes to start your day:

Chia Breakfast Bowl
Pumpkin Oatmeal
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

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