How to Make Peace With Food (VIDEO)

This video with Curious Katie is all about Intuitive Eating’s 3rd principle: making peace with food. It is one of the most important components of intuitive eating but also one of the scariest.

We want to do right by ourselves. Our culture tells us that to be healthy and beautiful we must look a certain way (typically: THIN). And food is brought forth as a way to achieve this. We’re told that if we avoid certain foods and eat a certain way we can become our thinnest, healthiest self.

But this way of thinking is a myth. Because labelling certain foods as “bad” and trying to avoid them only makes us want them more and makes us feel out of control around them. This can lead to negative self-talk, cycles of restricting and bingeing, as well as other disordered eating tendencies and worsening of our mental health.

In order to silence these external notions and get in touch with our own internal cues, we must first make peace with ALL foods. Because only when we begin to look at all foods without judgement or fear of guilt can we begin to move towards a more balanced, happy way of eating that is guided by our own needs — not what society tells us makes us “good” or “bad”.

Check out the VIDEO to learn more about how you can make peace with food, and feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comment section below!

P.S. Want to make the delicious cookies featured in this video? Check out my chocolate chip cookie recipe.


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