Biking Snacks: Cycling Energy Bites Recipe

When I first started training for long-distance triathlons years ago, I had a hard time finding cycling snacks I liked. A lot of the bars out there were either filled with processed ingredients and preservatives, or they were made with natural ingredients but that meant a lot of nuts, making them too high in fats and proteins for proper bike-fueling.

So I got busy creating and ended up with these all-natural, cycling energy bites. They are high in carbs (about 13g per bite) which is perfect for that quick hit of sugar you need when riding for hours. They also have a little bit of protein and fat to balance them out. Plus, they’re gluten-free and plant-based, making them perfect for many different dietary needs.

These little energy balls got me through years of training, 3 half-Ironmans, and one full Ironman, feeling great! (Or as great as one can feel in an Ironman ;))

If you’re interested in learning more about what to eat while cycling, download my FREE Bike Tour Nutrition Guide. Now, without further ado, here’s my favourite recipe for Cycling Energy Bites!

Cycling Energy Bites Recipe


  • 30 pitted dates (small-size dates)
  • ½ cup raw walnuts
  • ¼ cup raw, shelled hemp seeds (hemp hearts)
  • 2 cups rolled oats (gluten-free if needed)
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons raw honey (substitute more maple syrup for vegan version)
  • ½ cup brown rice flour
  • ¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • ½ teaspoon salt (I use Pink Himalayan)


  1. Pulse dates in food processor until broken down into pieces. Remove from processor.
  2. Place oats, walnuts and hemp hearts in food processor and pulse until broken down.
  3. Add dates and all other ingredients to food processor and pulse as needed until well combined and a sticky dough is formed.
  4. Roll dough into 1-inch balls. This recipe should make about 30 balls. You can also shape into bars or squares if preferred. Store in fridge in a sealed container.

If you’re curious about the nutritional facts to get a sense of your needs for your next ride, you can check them out below. Please note these will of course vary depending on the exact ingredients you use. And as always, keep in mind that nutritional facts can act as information but it’s always most important to listen to your body and experiences and to get in touch with your unique needs!

9 thoughts on “Biking Snacks: Cycling Energy Bites Recipe

    1. The nutrition breakdown in grams can be found in the nutrition bar at the bottom of the post 🙂 Because it’s all shelf-stable pantry ingredients they’ll keep fresh in the fridge for a good few weeks but I imagine it would also be find to keep in the freezer for a little while and thaw in the fridge when needed! Enjoy!

  1. Hiii sheelagh.. very interesting recipe, i would like to try it! But can I substitute hemp hearts? It’s kinda hard to find it in where i live.

    1. Hey Tika! You totally could. I would just increase some of the other dry ingredients like the walnuts and oats. Also, hemp “hearts” can sometimes go by different names like hemp seeds or just hemp. But as long as they’re shelled and look the same as hemp hearts, they should be good to use. So if you get confused looks when you ask about hemp hearts, see if they have other hemp seed options 🙂

  2. Hi Sheelagh,

    I am new to road riding. I made these before our 96 mile memorial ride dedicated to my sister. I added cranberries to mine and they were absolutely fantastic! I was able to get through this ride without losing energy. Thanks for such a fantastic recipe.

    1. What a beautiful way to honour your sister. I am so glad the energy bites were helpful! Thanks for the lovely message 🙂

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